post coming up! I have been absent and for that I must apologize. Actually the person I most need to apologize to is myself because not being on my blog also means that I haven't been able to craft. Not a bit. So, my last post was January 31 and it was a card that I had made previously but was just posting. That means an entire week in my life passed and I was unable to find the time to sit down and do something for myself. Now, don't get me wrong....the week or so between the the end of January and today have been filled with lots of fun stuff....dinners out, visits with friends, swim meets, movies...both at home and at the theater. I mean, really, fun times. But, I know, my family knows, that crafting gives me a ton of joy, comfort, enjoyment and, really, a sense of contentment. I feel recharged....much the way some of my non - crafty friends say they feel after a run. So, if crafting gives me all of the above wonderful benefits....if it makes me feel good (and may I add it doesn't have ANY CALORIES!) why don't I drop some of my non - essential "busy-ness" and get to my table? It is an odd thing....I almost sabotage myself some days by blog hopping until there is no time left for me to craft. Do any of you have this issue? There are days I actually feel "guilty" about putting aside this time for myself.....and no one else puts this guilt on me mind you! It's all me! I feel guilty because it is sunny and nice out, the house is dirty, I need to get that book read for book club and the list goes on and on....and the end result is - nothing actually gets done. I am hoping this is a phase that passes in my life and that it is a "mother" thing. I mean, as moms we are constantly putting off doing stuff for ourselves - like saving "our time" until it is more opportune. I think, moms, especially moms like myself that have finally gotten to a place in our life where we have more time, need to "re-learn" how to carve out quality time for ourselves. Some of us may work out because it is good for us, read that book because it is for club, get together with friends because it is fun but ultimately, we kinda forget about that solitary self inside us that needs to be quiet and create, to color, to play. I always think back on one of my daughters who, each year at the end of the school term, would retreat to our house, the hammock, the fav chair, the porch, deck etc and read. She would read for days, for most of the summer. Other kids would be out swimming etc and she would read because that is what "fed" her after a busy year of school work, socializing, sports etc....I think I need to take some "me time" lessons from my kids. ;-D
Anyways, yesterday I was stressing about all the stuff I had to get done. And I did get some of it done and alot of it went "undone". But, I did make two cards. So, from my perspective, the day was good.
The first card....the big layered heart one I am entering into the
Lily Pad Patterned Paper Challenge.
Both sentiments are Hero Arts and the large image is Northwoods Rubber Stamp Co. Thanks for stopping by and and if you got to this sentence, well then, THANK YOU for slogging thru an exceptionally long post!
Be well,