...with a card is annoying. I mean a person works hard with a vision or plan of the finished product in mind...oblivious to what is going on in the house around them. Then, the card is finished and the maker sits back to look at it and it's just..."eh". I seriously went "eh" with two cards I made recently. And, the problem was that I felt that since I had put time in on making them they had better turn out good....or at least to my liking. The reality was, although other people may have liked them, I thought they were, just, "eh". So, they have sat on my desk.....taunting me with their "eh-ness". Till today when I faced them and their eh-ness down....did some minor card-ergy (get it? I took "card" and "surgery" and combined them.....oh well-it's funny in MY head heheheh) and made them into cards that I like. Maybe other people won't like them now that they have changed but for some reason I like them more and this is why....my first card started out like this...

...and while I initially like the off-balance image placement, the distressing and the white ribbon the more I looked at this card the more I felt it looked unfinished and off balance. So, today, I tinkered, tore, distressed and remounted the image and now the card looks like this.....
I wanted the card to look older, smudged, sort of like a treasure you find in an old box in the attic. I like it LOTS now....reset the placement of the image....balanced out the composition with a sentiment and bling, smudged it up more by placing darker distress inks on the orange background and "stained" the ribbon also...one thing that I didn't feel that the first card did was "marry" the original backround to the heavily distressed and ripped image panel...now I feel it does. When I took the adhesive off the stamped panel it ripped the background panel....so then that required me to do more smudging...it was a happy moment for me ;-D...because I like what I "mistaked" . Opinions?
For my second "do-over" I used a card that I made for a 90 minute scramble....and I like the overall design of this card but anyone who knows me knows that I stink at scrambles....never make the time limit etc....so when I finished this card I wasn't happy with it but wasn't really sure why....just knew I didn't LOVE it. So, this is the original....
...and while it has some cutie-pie moments I don't like the black bling on the ribbon (too dark and too small) and the chick is missing some over-all "fab-u-lous-ness"....know what I mean? I like the sentiment and the chick is "one of a kind" but the "kind", again, is "eh"....so I tinkered, and tampered and here is the the card that I am now happy with.....
the chick is "stickled" into sparkley fabulousness...she is rockin' some bling in her hair and the ribbon now sports a pink bling which. for one, is bigger and then the pink ties in the "fun" color of the card....and finally, the "1" is stickled up too. Like this and now would definetely send it to someone....and I know who that someone is 'cuz she is def' some 1 of a kind fabulous chick who stands out in a crowd! So, I hope you all like the changes....talk amongst yourselves (heheh)....and, if you have time, let me know what you think! Appreciate you visiting!
Be well (and satisfied),