Wednesday, March 7, 2012

And I would like to thank the Academy....

because I have just received an award!  Specifically the Liebster Award.  And who I really, really need to thank is Joy, Paula and Sasha for giving me this award.  Thank you means so much coming from you all.  I am editing this post to include Sasha as she was simultaneously awarding me as I was awarding her!

This award is pretty exciting to me as I don't tend to enter challenges and so, well, obviously, winning of ANYTHING doesn't really happen for me in cardmaking.  But this is different as "Liebster"  is German for "dearest".  The award is a type of "share the love" gesture or arrangement that is given to inspirational bloggers with fewer than 200 followers (based on google followers). And I love that in any sort of way I have "inspired" someone!  What a treat that is to hear.  And, for me I heard it from three lovely ladies whose blogs I love to follow!  Joy of Morning Glory Studios and Paula of Scrappy Me and Sasha of Sasha's Inspirations.  Each of these ladies create just the most wonderful cards...please stop by their blogs and check them out! You will not be disappointed!

Here is the to do list of any Liebster recipient:

1: Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.

2: Reveal your five blog picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog!

3: Copy and paste the award (see above) on your blog.

4: Hope that those that you award forward it on to their favorite bloggers.

And it is really hard to pick just 5 people.....I can't tell you how difficult that is!  

The first person that I want to acknowledge is Maureen Morton.  Her blog is Watermarks and if you haven't been to Maureen's blog you are in for quite a treat!  She combines humor, real life moments and AMAZING cards all into postings that make you leave her blog with a smile!

The second person that I would like to highlight is Sasha of Sasha's Inspirations.  I will start off with a capitalized WOW.  Check out her work.  I love it because in a million years I could NEVER make cards like the pristine lovelies that Sasha creates.

The third award I would like to give to Joan of Paperlicious.  I LOVE this blog and probs have NEVER left a comment.  But I follow Joan after seeing her highlighted by Jill on Inspired by....and fell in love with her coloring.  Since I, too, am such a big colorer I love to see how others use their favorite medium to fill in images.  Joan uses colored pencils...which, until very recently, were the only thing I colored with!

The fourth person that I am awarding the Liebster to is Dawn of Dawn's World.  Dawn is one of the nicest bloggers that I have had the pleasure of "meeting" and her cards always delight.  She has a wide range of style and also mixes in fun pictures from her life in her blog.

The next person I would like to award is Debbie of Debbie Does Craft's.  Debbie makes the most beautiful and intricate cards....they are gorgeous.  I like to follow her blog as her style is totally different from mine and I always get ideas from her layouts!

And, while I know that I am to only highlight or award 5 bloggers I am going to add another two as I was given the award by three people at once.  The first blogger is Tanya of Scattered Stamper.  Tanya uses colors just beautifully and I love the design of her cards.  Please go check her out!

 Linda of R2Scrap makes cards of unusual beauty. I first came across Linda in the Hero Arts flickr pool and was struck by the "art" of her cards.  Linda makes cards that are little "gems" of creativity and artistry.  I hope you  visit her blog!

Please go check out all of the bloggers that I have highlighted.  They are all so unique and their blogs so interesting....I know that I always find a bit of inspiration on each and every visit I make!

Be well,


  1. Awe! Thank you Sheila...I will add you to my "Thank You" list of Liebsters xx

  2. Thanks so much for this award! I was very excited to see your comment this morning, it made my day!!

  3. Sheila, I am so pleased you liked the award :o). It's well deserved I can tell you. Now I'm off to check out your picks for this award xoxoxo

  4. Thanks so much. Now I am off to study your blog and those you mentioned. You are so kind!

  5. Hi, Sheila! I find it ever so delightful that three people awarded you the Liebster at the same time!!! See how much you inspire us all??

    Love your choices - I am going to try to visit their blogs as I find time.

    And, I love the birthday card you made - Whipper Snapper stamps are so great for coloring!!

  6. Hi Sheila,
    I thought it was so funny, that while I was liebstering you, you were liebstering me lol. I'm so pleased that others awarded this to you, well deserved xx

  7. super thanks Sheila. I also got this from Paula and you were on my list of 5... so here's looking at you, kid... right back at you.

  8. A big hug to you, dear pal! What a fun surprise. You are a real dear and a true inspiration. I have continued the fun - you are so special to me and to so many of us.

  9. Thank you so very much. This is very very kind of you!
