you and you and you..... Actually, thank all of you who either left me or emailed me such sweet, special comments. It has really touched me a great deal. I think all of us want, as we journey through life, to feel that we have some sort of "value"....some sort of positive way that we touch another person, another soul and I feel so privileged that some of you "out there" feel a connection with some of my recent comments. I am sure that could we meet for coffee, tea, (okay, wine) we would find all sorts of common ground to talk over. My family laughs because as the kids were growing up I harped and harped and nagged and nagged about the dangers of the careful of the strangers on the web etc.....yet, here I am "friends" with strangers on the internet! And, it has been a very nice, very positive experience for me. AND, some of you I will have the pleasure of meeting in person for the first time at Scrapfest next month! Yay!
Well, onto the biz of the blog....a card. So, I colored up another Mo' Manning for Penny Black stamp and again, this little senior citizen makes me smile. The sentiment that goes with this image is "never stop dancing" and that line of thought is one that I can relate to. I am an AWFUL dancer. Really and truly bad. My kids call me Elaine Benis and for you Seinfeld fans out there you will know EXACTLY what that means. One time, and I have no shame in admitting this, but the day after a particularly GREAT night out dancing, a night where I was REALLY feeling it and totally "got my groove on", that next day I had two very badly bruised and sprained thumbs. Yep, I snapped my fingers until I pulled muscles. So, yeah, not a great dancer BUT what I lack in technique I make up in unbridled enthusiasm. Enthusiasm and energy. Lots of enthusiasm and energy....utterly no skill. But, hey-it's all about having fun and believe me....I have a good time out on the dance floor. By the way, I am the only one if our family that can't dance. My husband and kids are all fabulous dancers so I tend to embarrass them. But they will get over that! So, the card. I love this image and love this sentiment. I think it is great that this babe is still shaking her booty at the social security stage and I wanted the card to reflect that sense of "anything goes at my age" vibe that I get from her. Hence, the polka dots, the bling, the patterned papers etc....No rules, no matching per se....just a smattering of classic vintage-y papers set off with some bling and some sequins. And the inside, well the inside is highlighted with a paper that makes me think of the frosted lipstick '60's.....which would be when this particular dancing queen would have been in her prime.

Really a fun, fun image to color. And, I find that I am starting to get more into the "construction" of the cards I make and that has also been fun. By that I mean the layers, die cuts, shapes and patterned papers or distressing.....just more "construction" and that has been a learning curve for me but fun. Thanks for coming by....
Be well,