to pull out some more "mature" images for birthday cards. I have lots of fun little images to be used for birthday cards and to be completely honest, I tend to gravitate towards floral images for most of my birthday cards. But, I am loving these Mo Manning images that are in cling form from Penny Black. I have two of this particular lady....and she just rocks! One shows her dancing and the other one is the one that I am blogging about today. I really like that this image shows an aging individual who is still active, happy and rocking out to her own groove. I want to be this 30+ more years. But, as I approach my 50th birthday next week I can relate to the energy that this lady emits. She is having fun riding her bike and NOT worrying about how she looks, about falling.....heck....she isn't even concerned about osteoporosis! My kind of gal. The inside of the card reads "You only live once. Enjoy the ride." When I was younger I didn't enjoy the "ride" as much. Maybe it is a youth thing.....I think the teen years through the mid thirties are filled with so many worries, concerns....maybe just more stress about "keeping up." But now, who cares about keeping up with the neighbors, the other parent's at my kid's school, the other work spouses.....I want to spend more time riding bikes, coloring, hanging with my kids, my husband and LESS time trapped in my own head worrying and playing out "what if?" scenarios. I think that I am going to like my 50's. I have already given up on dying my hair....I started to go pretty gray in high school and was dying by when I finally gave up the plastic gloves and goopy hair gunk about 10 years I was ready to embrace the more "natural" look. So, I am happy about all the other ways that I can be "lower" maintenance so that I have more time for "fun-tainence". Today, I took my youngest, Corm, out to take his senior picture. We had a blast. We brought several changes of clothes for him and and then he and I just went to 2 or 3 spots and I snapped away. It was really fun. It was something that 10 years ago, when I was turning 40 I would have been too nervous to though the pics wouldn't have been good enough. But now at 50.....who is to say what isn't "good enough" right? I feel like I am FINALLY able to understand and relate to those old commercials that had the slogan "You've come a long way, baby!". Yes. Yes, I sure have. ;-D So, is my card. And, I hope you like it.

Thanks for stopping by today and thanks even more for wading through my loooong post. I hope your day/week is going well! Cannot believe it is almost the end of summer....
Be well,
Sheila, you nailed it! I chuckle every time I see that stamp image from penny Black...and your card really captures her essence! I agree, I'd like to be her a few years down the flying in the wind, riding a bike with a basket full of flowers. (Heck, I'd like to do that now! But no, I'm driving a minivan full of car seats and soccer balls instead!) I love the layers and colors you have surrounded her with...great card!
Sheila, I love, love your post today. Being 40 myself, I can relate to your post. I'm slowly learning that I don't need to conform to "what ifs" but to love being "me". Your card rocks as do you. Have a great week & our Summer is slowly creeping up here in Australia xoxoxo
Sheila.... I adore visiting your blog as you are so down to earth. I so agree with you... as we grow through our teens, 20's 30's and even our 40's we tend to confirm... but in our 50's we start to realise life is for living not try to be what we perceive others expect! I LOVE my fifties... half way through now and I love spending time doing what makes ME happy. Your card today is awesome. Beautifully composed. Keep on LIVING my friend.
Such a lovely post, Sheila. Your image is such fun and your colouring is perfect. I must try and stamp something other than florals, too x
I've decided that you need to write a book, Sheila, or become my personal therapist- your choice :) haha Again, love what you have to say today AND I love this card as well. The Mo Manning images just really make me smile and you certainly did this one justice today!
hugs to you XX
Your post hits the nail right on the head, Sheila!! And, I know you will enjoy your fifties and beyond!
This image is just so much fun and you have made a great card. I always love your coloring!
I so enjoy visiting your blog Sheila! Besides always being inspired by your amazing coloring skills your reflections on life always provoke me to think! Love the fun image you used on your card:)
Great card, Sheila!
Love, love, love this card, but I am nuts over your wonderful message! Thanks for sharing it. I believe it, too (at 60, even more so) and it is great to hear it. You are such a blessing! Great layers you have made to showcase this free spirit and I can feel that some of YOUR spirit is colored right into her! Love it and you. Glad to be back - thanks for all your words of comfort.
Sheila you have so much girl power and are graceful beyond words. Very inspiring post to remind us to live in the moment and enjoy all that is around us. I will be looking for you on your bike as you pedal through amazing adventures!
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